Your Space to Feel Good chat

Memory group’s future secured thanks to support from BPL

Posted on 24/05/23

The future of a group which supports people living with Dementia and their carers has been secured after BPL took over the running of the sessions.

The memory group, which takes place every other Friday, was already well established and attended, with BPL providing Kilton Forest Golf Club as a venue to host the sessions.

But when the previous group facilitators said they could no longer continue, we are delighted to have stepped in to take over the running of the group and ensure local people didn’t miss out on this vital support service.

With input from attendees, a new name was chosen – The Kilton Feel Good Memory Group

The remaining funds, plus donations from local organisations such as the Freemasons, have been put back into the running of the sessions.

Community Health and Wellbeing Manager at BPL Angela Dainty explained: “As a charitable trust, it’s so important for us to support our local communities, and if we hadn’t stepped in to take over the running of the group, these sessions would have stopped, which would have been a massive loss.

“It’s a welcoming group with a lovely atmosphere, and people really enjoy coming.

“It’s also an important support network for carers, and we help signpost to other local services, which may be useful for them.”

Angela also said there is potential in the future to put on more sessions, perhaps making the group a weekly event, but more volunteers would be needed to increase its frequency.

She added: “We rely on the support of our brilliant volunteers to run the group, and we’re always looking for more people who can spare some time to help. 

“If you can and would like to know more about getting involved, we would love to hear from you.”

The Kilton Feel Good Memory Group takes place on alternate Fridays from 11am to 1:30pm at Kilton Forest Golf Club.

Sessions cost £6, which includes unlimited tea and coffee, a light lunch and entertainment.

Places must be booked in advance by contacting the team on 07957743053.

Anyone interested in volunteering opportunities can contact Angela at


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